Helping your friends Osborne comes through for his friends.


I’ve decided I’m rubbish at trying to explain my point of view.

I opined that our government had gifted millions of pounds to their friends and backers. The lady who was my interlocutor was cross that I hadn’t told her that she could have bid for £700 worth of shared and she would have made a 40% profit within a week.

When I told her that the outfit the Chancellor’s best man works for made £18 million, she replied, “Good for him – I wish I had.”

“But the difference between what the Government flogged it off for and what it’s worth is almost a £1 billion,” said I. “That was gifted to their friends and backers in the City. They’ve stolen that from the people.”

“Only you think that. Did you know I could have applied for £700 worth of shares? Enquired she.

“Fancy, I could have had £400 if it wasn’t for your principles.”

As my mother used to say throughout my teenage years, “Where did I go wrong? Where DID I go wrong.?

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